The 3 Topics of EDI 2023


The second edition of EDI Global Forum for Education and Integration will focus on 3 specific topics.


As the new ICOM definition underlines, museums exist to serve society by making art, culture and cultural heritage accessible to the public. However, museums have, for far too long, welcomed only a very privileged audience. Thankfully, artists and activists are leading the way in addressing different forms of exclusion, such as racism, ableism and classism in the arts. At EDI Global Forum, we will explore new ways for our institutions to become more just and enjoyable for everyone.



Digital technologies provide vast opportunities to make cultural institutions more relevant and more widely accessible. Developments are happening so fast that it can be hard to keep track of them. What technologies are worth investing in for your institution? What quick wins and best practices can you already adopt? How does your (potential) audience want to engage with arts and culture online? Where might digital innovation be headed within the cultural and artistic spheres? 



Cultural production often places a heavy burden on the environment. We desperately need to make sustainability central to the decision-making process when it comes to energy use, travel, buildings and so on, and will be sharing best practices for doing so.

As arts educators, we should also reflect on how we can increase awareness surrounding the connection between culture and nature. We will explore new and forgotten/marginalised ways to think about caring for people and the planet within our cultural practices, thereby, challenging the ‘extractivist’ logic that is leading us towards a climate crisis.



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